Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1st & 2nd Graders work on their Mondrian Shapes!

The picture above is the work of 2nd Graders. They completed their Mondrian Shapes with a glitter outline....there's something about glitter that makes the little ones excited! This took about three 30 mins lessons (including instruction about Piet Mondrian). Easy project for them to complete if you don't have too much time! 
1st Graders used rulers for the first time in my art class. And instead of decorating with glitter, they completed their art work with felt leaves, buttons, googly eyes, and other fun things! Picture coming shortly! 


  1. Bless your heart - GLITTER! I gave all mine away years ago. Every time someone came to my room to borrow some glitter, I told them my one rule: you cannot return what you do not use. In that way, I eliminated all glitter from my art room, with the exception of glitter-glue. I just couldn't stand how it keeps coming back, no matter how much you think you've cleaned up. And then I would find glitter in the rug at home. So I went glitter-free and never looked back.

  2. Phyl, your comment made me laugh out loud! I do believe I have a solid glitter plan that works for me- it hasn't failed me yet! I use a large storage box that I place my student's artwork in. I allow the student to work inside this box with the glitter. Once the glue has grabbed all the glitter it wants, we tap the artwork hard enough to allow the unglued glitter to fall right off and into the plastic box. All our glitter messes take place in this box (I have a few). I also teach the kids not to touch the glitter directly, as tempted as they might be!! I haven't had any issues yet. I also remember reading about this on some other blogs recently, so I'm not alone!

    1. I understand the system, BUT - you hang the work in the hall & some glitter falls off. You hand back the work and more glitter falls off. It's just never done. I don't even like getting holiday cards with glitter in them. You find it on the kitchen table, in the rug...etc

    2. You are absolutely right....who am I kidding?!!! That is probably the reason why I don't buy my child glitter to bring home to do her craft projects (She discovered it in a Paper Source crafting class that she accompanied me to) However, different story in the classroom.....I have been blessed with some left over glitter from previous years- the glitter is refuses to stick on to any part of the body or any material. It falls right down to the ground (or do you think it's just old? who knows!) Either way, I dared to use it without thinking about the consequence much......the kids had a great day, I heard them saying "Art is my favorite subject!" on their way out of the class......this was my thought after the using glitter for the first art project of the year considered cheating? *grin*
